1801006026 -long case.

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome. 

A 29 year old female who is a resident of akkenepalli came to the medicine  opd with the cheif complaints of Decreased urine output,pedal edema and facial puffiness since 5 days.


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 years back then she developed generalised body ache and joint pains in the knee and elbow and ulcers in the oral  cavity and hair loss with out scarring for which she went to hospital and was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSIS and initiated on hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine,wysolone.

She also reported that her joint pains and her hair loss was  not improving with the above medications and visited many hospitals and had multiple admissions but not subsided.

But she is continuing her medication but in November 2022 she developed shortness of breath which was sudden in onset while she is getting ready to go to her office and brought to hospital and was diagnosed as kidney failure and she had dialysis for 4 times with 3 days gap  and also diagnosed as hypertensive and given antihypertensives ( nicardia 30mg) and doctor also advised to stop the drugs(hydroxychloroquine , azathioprone,wysolone)for 2 months .

Patient had one episode of involuntary movements initially started left-hand followed by total body with impaired consciousness no  tongue bite,  no involuntary defecation. (Focal onset generalised seizures)

After 2 months that is in February 2023 she was admitted in hospital withthe history of vomitings , diarrhea since 10 days and was diagnosed as acute kidney injury on chronic kidney failure.

Since then she is coming to hospital for dialysis  once in 3 to 4 days .

Yesterday that is on 15 March 2023  she came with the complaints of pedal edema which is of pitting type since 5 days  which is insidious in onset gradually progressed form ankle to knee .patient also developed puffiness around the eyes which is prominent at morning after waking up.


A known case of hypertension since 5 months that is in November 2022 which is secondary to kidney failure and was on regular medications .

Not a known case of diabetes ,Tuberculosis,asthma ,Epilepsy. 


No such similar complaints in the family .

Only her mother has diabetes and hypertension. 



Appetite :decreased 

Bowel and bladder regular .

Sleep adequate

No addictions.


Patient is a customer service executive she wakes at 7 am daily and goes to bathroom and fresh up and does bath and her mother prepare her box she goes to office daily at 8 Am and and at 10 :30 am she eats her breakfast  and drinks tea and agains continues her work till 1:30  and she will have her lunch at 1:30and continues her work till 6 pm and again reaches home at 7pm and she takes bath and help her daughter in studies till 9 :30 pm and then she watch TV till 11 pm or talks to neighbors or with her mother and she goes to at 11 pm .

But Since February 2023 she is not going to her work due to regular dialysis .


Age of menarche:12 years.

Menstrual cycles :Her Menstrual cycles were irregular since 2 months. 

Her last Menstrual period was Dec 25th 2022.


Para :2, live :1(full term normal vaginal delvery)


Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative. Thin built anModerately nourished .

Vitals:Pulse rate :130 bpm

Respiratory rate :24 cycles per minute (regualr)

Blood pressure :160/100 mmhg


Patient has pallor and pedaledema which is of pitting type ,patient has flat nails,hyperpigmented discoid rashes on face,black discolouration of oral mucosa and palate.

No icterus,cyanosis ,clubbing ,lymphadenopathy. 


CVS : 

On palpation ‐

• Apex beat was felt in the left 5th intercostal space medial to the mid clavicular line. 

• JVP was normal 

• No precordial bulge 

• No parasternal heave

On auscultation ‐ S1, S2 heard , no murmurs 

RS :

On inspection ‐

• Chest is bilaterally symmetrical 

• Expansion of chest: Equal on both sides

• Position of trachea: Central

• No visible scars, sinuses, pulsations

On palpation : 

• Expansion of chest was equal on both sides. 

• Position of trachea: Central

• Tactile Vocal Fremitus: resonant note was felt.

On percussion: all lung areas were resonant 

On auscultation : 

• Bilateral air entry was present, normal vesicular breath sounds were heard. 

• Vocal resonance: resonant in all areas

P/A : soft, non tender, no organomegaly, no distension, bowel sounds heard.

CNS : The patient is well oriented to time, place, person.

Higher mental functions are intact.

Cranial nerve examination :‐

All cranial nerves are intact and functioning. 

Motor System Examination :‐

• Normal bulk in upper and lower limbs

• Normal tone in upper and lower limbs

• Normal power in upper and lower limbs

• Gait is normal .

. Reflexes are normal .

Sensory System Examination :‐

Normal sensations are felt in all the dermatomes.



Blood urea -79 mg/dl (N=12 to 42 mg/dl)

Serum creatinine-4mg/dl(N -0.6 to 1.1)

Serum electrolytes-

Na :141mEq/L(N-136 to 145)

K:3.5mEq/L(N:3.5 to 5.1)

Cl:102mEq/L(N=98 to 107)

Ionized ca+2:1.01mmol/L.



Hb 8.5gm/dl.

Total count:12000 cell /cumm

Neutrophils:83 %


Pcv:24.3 volume %

Platelets :l.lL / cumm.

Impression :Normocytic normochromic anemia  with neutrophilic lymphocytes and thrombocytopenia.

Renal function test:


Creatinine :6.9 mg/dl.

Uric acid :6.5 mg/dl.


Biopsy findings:

Fever chart:

Clinical images:

Provisional diagnosis:

Chronic renal failure secondary to lupus nephritis. 

Known case of sle


Tab Nicradia 30mgperoral thrice a day.

Tab lasix 40mg  per oral two times a day .

Tab wysolone peroral twice a day .

Tab azathioprine 50 mg per oral once daily.

Tab hydroxychloroquine 200mg peroral once daily. 

Tab Met xL 25 mg per oral once daily. 

Tab nodosis 500mg per oral once daily.

Tablet  shelcal 500mg po od

Tab orofer xt po od

Tab Pan 40mg po od.

Tab blod3 personal weekly twice .


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